
5 11, 2019

The Case For Self-Cultivated Medicine: Cannabis vs. Big Pharmaceuticals

By |2019-11-20T05:40:32-07:00November 5th, 2019|Health Conditions, News|

We are told that we don’t know what is good for us; only the doctors do. After all, they’ve been studying for years to attain such a lucrative, yet gory, rewarding, yet sense-numbing career.

5 02, 2019

Abandoning the Enlightenment

By |2019-11-19T06:00:14-07:00February 5th, 2019|News|

There is difference between Holland’s history and the history of virtually every of the country in the world - except, perhaps, ancient Egypt. When you look at the geology of the U.S., Romania, Kenya, Japan or almost any other country and see the splendors and vistas that the land offers, you may be tempted to [...]

15 12, 2017

Weed Kills Leukemia Cells

By |2019-06-10T04:39:50-07:00December 15th, 2017|Health Conditions, News|

The question gets asked all the time in green circles, though not always with the recommended dose of skepticism: Can marijuana cure cancer? As far as science is concerned, the definitive answer is a resounding “Who knows?” But signs of hope are popping up everywhere, and a new one came to light in late October. [...]

26 01, 2017

Marijuana institute in the works at Humboldt State University

By |2019-06-10T04:39:33-07:00January 26th, 2017|News|

Marijuana has been in the news a lot recently since its legalization for full medical use in 23 states and Washington, D.C. While approved at the state level for medical use in those regions, marijuana remains an illegal substance under federal law, and little research has been done by the Food and Drug Administration in [...]

6 11, 2013

If NBC Can See The Need For Medical Marijuana, Why Can’t Obama?

By |2019-11-19T06:05:33-07:00November 6th, 2013|Laws, News|

Thank you to the show Parenthood for the portrayal of someone becoming a medical marijuana patient. During the Thanksgiving holiday, my procrastination on home projects led me to getting caught up on the fall season of a few shows, including NBC’s Parenthood. I was moved to watch the main characters Kristina and Adam Braverman and their [...]

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